
Showing posts from 2014


Trucking is life. Some people forget about the unsung heroes of the trucking world, including this COE (Cab-Over-Engine) beauty: the Trashmaster .  A couple dozen tons of steel and hydraulics gets you a top-of-the-line garbage hauler. Nothing feels quite so good as shifting this beast through all 16 gears while making the steep ascent of an urban hill laden with reeking refuse. You never know what you'll find sometimes. An issue of Muff and the Mule , one of El Burro's monthly masterpieces of tastefully shot adult photoseries.


Most trucking fans agree that Cab & Trailer is the highest form of trucking in the world. That being the case, non-articulated trucks are a part of that world and as such, deserve respect, and in some cases, adoration.   Most people know the DFT-30 as the flatbed workhorse of the trucking world. A COE (Cab-Over-Engine) configured, non-articulated truck most commonly seen as a flatbed hauler. Pictured above is a DFT-30 outside of the Camel's Toe Casino. What most people don't know is that the DFT-30 is the undisputed Stunt King of the trucking world. Despite what would seem like a non-aerodynamic appearance, the DFT-30 is an impressive flyer. A DFT-30 pictured in the wild cutting through the sky above the Old Las Venturas Strip. Just outside of the Airport in LV. Sometimes landings can be a challenge.

Trucking Mission 6 (Ending)


The Chiliad Summit

After a dismal failure the day before, the man that was BORN2TRUCK vowed to reach the summit of Mount Chiliad with a tractor trailer. Eschewing the Linerunner which had failed him, he takes a more powerful cab for his next attempt. Here he crouches before his Roadtrain, Mount Chiliad can be seen in the background. The cargo, an open-faced container of coal: the fuel of industry. The cab and trailer are coupled and the journey begins. The journey is treacherous and many accidents occur, but the man that is BORN2TRUCK is not deterred and despite many serious setbacks he is resolute in his goal of reaching the summit. Withering heights can bring on a cruel vertigo that calls to the dark places of the mind. This evil ruse reaches out like a Siren, trying to pull affected truckers to depths of a steep cliff, sundering their tractor trailers on the sharp rocks and outcroppings below. Treacherous mountain passes in claustrophobia-inducing fog put hig...

The Begining

The beginning, this is where it all starts. This is a man who is BORN2TRUCK. Wow! Look at those gas prices! Here's the first quarry, a ripe fruit, just hanging low on the tree, waiting to be picked! ...and she's picked and on the back of my Linerunner . Did I mention I am (trying to) take this to the top of Mount Chiliad ? This is looking a little precarious... Fuck. Next time on BORN2TRUCK, I will take a Roadtrain and attempt the same.