
Most trucking fans agree that Cab & Trailer is the highest form of trucking in the world. That being the case, non-articulated trucks are a part of that world and as such, deserve respect, and in some cases, adoration. Most people know the DFT-30 as the flatbed workhorse of the trucking world. A COE (Cab-Over-Engine) configured, non-articulated truck most commonly seen as a flatbed hauler. Pictured above is a DFT-30 outside of the Camel's Toe Casino. What most people don't know is that the DFT-30 is the undisputed Stunt King of the trucking world. Despite what would seem like a non-aerodynamic appearance, the DFT-30 is an impressive flyer. A DFT-30 pictured in the wild cutting through the sky above the Old Las Venturas Strip. Just outside of the Airport in LV. Sometimes landings can be a challenge.